Associate Fellows

Associate fellows of the lab are academics from institutions both within CSIC and further afield who are collaborating with lab researchers on specific research projects and/or academic activities
Fernando Aguiar (PhD Philosophy UNED 1991) is a researcher at the CSIC Philosophy Institute (IFS-CSIC). He has been editor-in-chief of the Revista Internacional de Sociología, Chairman of the Analytical Sociology Group, and one of
the founding members of the Spanish Association of Experimental Philosophy. His research interests cover experimental ethics, political philosophy, moral disgust, and social identity. He has published on these topics in the European Journal of Sociology, Judgment and Decision Making, Experimental Economics, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Journal of Methodological Economics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Science and Engineering Ethics, among others.

Martín Aranguren (PhD in sociology, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2014) is a research fellow at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), affiliated to Science Po’s Centre de Recherche sur les Inégalités Sociales. For his PhD he proposed a novel framework for studying emotions in social interaction using observational methods. After his recruitment at CNRS in 2015, he launched a field experimental program on discrimination in social interaction. In 2024 he defended his Habilitation thesis, where he puts forward a program for studying discrimination as a “micro” mechanism of “macro” disparities in mental health. His work has been published in renowned periodicals such as the Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, the Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies and the European Journal of Public Health..
Javier Blanco García-Lomas is a programmer currently based at Toulon, France and has been ICT Fellow at the D-Lab. Since 2016, he has provided key professional services to the lab. Javier co-programmed SAdIE, the Scraping and Advanced Implementation Engine we use for our online field-experiments. He also provides expert technical advice on the online surveys carried out at the lab and on general ICT nnovation.

Maricia Fischer-Souan (PhD in Sociology, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2020) is Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellow at the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC), Sciences Po Paris, and at the Centre d'Études et de Recherches Internationaless (CÉRIUM), University of Montreal. She is also a Research Fellow at the D-Lab. Her research focuses on immigration in the European Union, both of EU and non-EU nationals, with special attention to issues of identity formation and motivations for migration. Maricia has collaborated in the Growth Equal opportunities Migrations and Markets project (GEMM), funded by the European Union. She is experienced in qualitative fieldwork and data analysis with a specific focus on semi-structured interviews with migrants in France, Great-Britain, Germany, and Spain.
Johanna Gereke (PhD Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, 2016) is a post-doctoral fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) in Germany. Previously she held a postdoctoral position at the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy at Bocconi University. Her current research focuses on intergroup relations, discrimination, migration and cooperation in contemporary societies. Her research uses a range of experimental methods, including original field, lab and survey experiments. Her work has been published in Journal of Experimental Political Science and PLOS ONE.
Irena Kogan (PhD Sociology, University of Mannheim, 2005) holds a chair in comparative sociology at the University of Mannheim. Her main interests are in the areas of social inequality, migration sociology and life-course research. Professor Kogan is the author of a number of articles in renowned international journals, including European Sociological Review, Social Forces, Social Science Research, International Migration Review, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Acta Sociologica, and others. She is also Board member and Secretary-Treasurer of the European Consortium for Social Research (ECSR), member of the European Academy of Sociology, an associate editor of the European Sociological Review. Kogan is currently participating in the NewAir project.
Andreas Kotsadam (PhD Economics, University of Göteborg, 2011) is Senior researcher at The Frisch Centre and Affiliated researcher at the Department of Economics at the University of Oslo. His main research interests are behavioral economics, development issues, and inequality. His work has been published/is forthcoming in the American Journal of Political Science, the European Economic Review, the European Sociological Review, Social Forces, Social Science Research, the European Journal of Political Research, and the Journal of European Social Policy, amonts others. Kotsadam co-directs the project “Sustaining the welfare and working life model in a diversified society” funded by the Norwegian Science Foundations andcollaborates with the PI in studying the impact of ancestry culture.
José Antonio Noguera (PhD Sociology, UAB, 1998) is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Director of the Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group (GSADI). His empirical research is currently focused on tax compliance, social influence dynamics, prosocial motivations, and the feasibility of universal welfare policies such as basic income. His most recent work has appeared in PlosOne, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, Journal of Law and Society, Revue Française de Sociologie, Advances in Complex Systems and Revista Internacional de Sociología, amongst others. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley and the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Irene Pañeda Fernández (PhD Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, 2022) is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) in Germany. Her research interests lie in the broad themes of inequality and migration. Within the first theme, she focuses on understanding when and why people come to tolerate or oppose income inequality. Within the second, she works on understanding the determinants of migration aspirations as well as attitudes toward immigrants and refugees. Her research relies on experimental or quasi-experimental designs for causal inference and she has experience working with a combination of geo-spatial data, large scale original and secondary surveys, as well as survey and online experiments. Her work has been published in the European Sociological Review.
Lucinda Platt (PhD Sociology, University of Oxford, 2001) is Professor of Social Policy and Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her research focuses on ethnicity and immigration, including labour market and income inequalities and identity, and on child poverty and wellbeing, including child disability. She is the author of five books and has published intensively in specialized journals, such as, amongst others, Social Forces, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Population Trends, Sociology and the Journal of Social Policy. She specialises not only in the analysis but also the development of large-scale longitudinal surveys: she was, till 2013, Director of the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study; and she is co-investigator with responsibility for ethnicity on Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Platt is currently participating in the NewAir project.
Daniel Ramírez Smith (PhD in Sociology and Demography, Pennsylvania State University 2021) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Economy, Geography, and Demography (CSIC) and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research focuses on social stratification, mortality, and immigration, with a special interest in how conflict and early life adversity has long lasting effects on health trajectories. The current highlight of his work focuses on how disruptive events such as wars or famines have long lasting effects on chronic condition prevalences in later life. An additional interest that Daniel is currently focusing on is how terrorist attacks shift attitudes towards immigrants. He is experienced in applied statistical analysis and demographic techniques.
Susanne Veit (PhD Psychology, Free University of Berlin, 2014) is a senior research fellow in the research unit 'Migration, Integration, Transnationalization' at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) in Germany. Currently she is also a fellow of the GEMM project (Work Package 3). At the WZB, she is heading two projects, one focusing on the relation between ‘migration and work’ and the other one focusing on the relation between populism and anti-immigrant attitudes. Her research interests include intergroup dynamics, prejudice and discrimination, ethnic hierarchies, and the consequences of ethnic heterogeneity for social cohesion. She is experienced in quantitative methods, with particular emphasis on (field) experiments.tion.
Eva Zschirnt (PhD in science humaines et sociales – migrations, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland) has been a Max Weber post-doctoral fellow at the European University Institute in Florence from 2018-2020 and is joining the School of Human and Social Sciences at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal in Germany as a post-doctoral fellow in September 2020. Her research focuses on the field of migration policy, and particularly on the integration and discrimination of immigrants and their children. She has experience in using experimental research methods (particularly field experiments on discrimination research). Her work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, the Journal of International Migration and Integration, and Research Ethics.
Carolina V. Zuccotti (European University Institute, PhD in Political and Social Sciences, 2015) is a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Global Fellow (MSCA-IF-GF) at the University Carlos III Madrid and visiting lecturer in its Master of Social Sciences. Her research interests include: social inequality & stratification; ethnicity & migration; spatial segregation, neighboruhood effects and residential mobility; and quantitative methods. Her MSCA project, GLAM - Global South Migration and Comparative Integration: A Study of South American Migrants, studies South American migrants’ integration patterns using a multisite approach. Her work has been published in international journals, including Sociology, International Migration Review, Population, Space and Place, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Work, Employment and Society.